With years of competitive dancing and sporting pursuits, I have had many an injury - from concussions to torn ligaments and sprained ankles. Through rehabilitating those injuries, I have worked with a wide range of medical and allied health professionals – physiotherapists, remedial massage therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, podiatrists and exercise physiologists to name a few. Acupuncture, ultrasound therapy, all sorts of creams and rubs, strapping tape, dry needling.
You name it, I have probably tried it!
Some therapies worked for me, some didn’t. Some really assisted me in the short term, whereas others supported me in the long term. I will always say that there is a time and place for all different therapies and what has worked for me, may not work for you. Rehabbing injuries is an individualised process. But my two biggest lessons that I learnt the hard way will apply to everyone:
Your injury won’t get better without adequate rest and a staged return to dance.
Your injury won’t get better without you taking responsibility and initiative in looking after it.